
Questionable Content Volume 6

Created by Jeph Jacques

We're making the 6th print collection of Questionable Content! 300 strips, bonus commentary, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Tiers! Clarification about add-ons!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 05:58:33 AM

Hello, Questionable Content fans! Sara here from Make That Thing, giving you an update while Jeph is busy "drawing comics" or whatever. 

1. WE HAVE ADDED NEW TIERS! You asked for it and we heard you! You can now pledge $55 USD to get volumes 4, 5, and 6, plus the cute bookmarks. If and when we hit stretch goals, we will add more tiers that include those reprints. A cool feature of Kickstarter is you can change your pledge level as many times as you want during the campaign, so you can keep upgrading as we burn those stretch goals down. 

We also added a tier that's all six PDFs, for $50 USD. Read all the comics on your e-reader on public transit and no one will ask you why such a respectable adult is reading comics

2. Many of you have asked about how add-ons will work. If you want to add other volumes of the book, or additional copies of volume 6, you will be able to do so via BackerKit when the campaign is over and the books are printed. Right before we start shipping, we'll send you the survey for your shipping address, and at that time you can add as many additional things to your order as you like and pay with your credit or debit card. Maybe in the intervening months you struck it rich and want to buy 50 books! Maybe your cat threw up on your volume 4 and you want to replace it! We'll work out what you want and charge you for it when the time comes (around September). 

One more clarification: every reward tier above $10 gets the volume 6 PDF. We forgot to say so in the reward descriptions, but it's definitely included. 

I hope this information helps and excites you. Any questions, feel free to send Kickstarter messages (those are easier to reply to than comments!). Thanks for your support of this project, it means the world to us.